Difference between Hexadecimal and decimal numbers

Hexadecimal Numbers Decimal Numbers
Hexadecimal numbers make use of 16 symbols to represent numbers, it uses the 10 symbols of decimal number system to represent values 0 to 9 and additional 6 symbols (A, B, C, D, E, F) to represent values ( 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15) respectively.                   Decimal numbers make use of 10  symbols from 0 to 9 and its combinations to represent different values.
The radix for Hexadecimal number is 16 i.e all the digits in a Hexadecimal number are expressed in terms of powers of 16.The radix for decimal number is 10 i.e all the digits or values in a decimal number are expressed in terms of powers of 10.
Hexadecimal numbers are more human friendly, i.e. large numbers are easier to remember.Large decimal numbers are relatively difficult to remember.
Example of  Hexadecimal number : FFFF (sixty five thousand five hundred thirty five)Example of Decimal number : 65535 (sixty five thousand five hundred thirty five)
  • Microprocessors and microcontrollers use hexadecimal numbers to represent address of memory locations.

  • Most common and used in everyday life.
  • Used in all Financial transactions, banking operations.