Difference between binary and hexadecimal

Hexadecimal Numbers Binary Numbers
Hexadecimal numbers make use of 16 symbols 0 to 9 and additional symbols (A, B, C, D, E, F). Hexadecimal numbers were introduced with the purpose to represent binary numbers in a more human readable form.                 Binary numbers make use of only 2 symbols (0, 1) to represent any number and it becomes a tedious job to express large numbers.
The radix or base for hexadecimal number is 16 and each symbol in a hexadecimal number is expressed as power of 16. The radix for binary numbers is 2 and also termed as base 2 numbers.
It is easy and more human readable to represent number in hexadecimal system.Large numbers represented in binary system are not in a human readable form.
Example of  Hexadecimal number : FF (Equivalent to Two hundred and fifty five in decimal)Example of Binary number : 11111111 (Equivalent to Two hundred and fifty five in decimal)
  • Used for representing addresses of memory locations in microprocessors and assembly language programming.

  • All the digital circuits use binary numbers at the lowest level of interaction and to perform logical operations.